• Gender-based Accommodations/Access for students

    1. Staff member who received initial inquiry from student will direct student to contact their building principal.
    2. Building principal will refer them to the school counselor.
    3. School counselor will schedule a meeting with the student, parents, and the building principal to discuss the student request for access and /or accommodations.
    4. Staff counselor will secure this confidential information with their personal notes.
    5. If a request is granted, the building principal will work with the school counselor to coordinate implementation of access and accommodations. Parents of students under the age of 18 must grant permission for accommodations.
    6. Building principal will report (in summary manner) to the superintendent.
    7. Relevant staff will be informed of the implementation date and details.

    Students sharing the bathroom with a transgender student 

    If a student who comes to you to express any discomfort about sharing facilities with one or more transgender students, please do the following:

    1. Explain that the school district intends to protect the rights of all students.
    2. Explain that there are designated single user bathrooms in various locations.
    3. Send (via email) a record of the interaction to the building principal with the following information:
    • Student name
    • Date of interaction
    • Summary of concern or complaint
    • Summary of what was told
    • Summary of the accommodation(s) granted to the student

    Additional Resources:

    • HealthyChildren.org – Gender Non-Conforming and Transgender Children
    • CDC – LGBT Youth Resources
    • PSBA – Transgender Legal Update
    • NSBA – Transgender Students in Schools