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         The Antietam Virtual Academy is an opportunity for students to receive an online educational experience with the personal touch of our district staff. Students who enroll in the Antietam Virtual Academy will have the ability to access an extensive course selection in addition to accessing all of the services the Antietam School District has to offer.

         As a family whose child(ren) currently participate(s) in a charter school education, we welcome you to consider coming back to the Antietam School District through participation in the new Antietam Virtual Academy. In our district, we understand the varied learning needs of children. While some students excel in a traditional school setting, others need greater independence or self-pacing. It is our goal to work together as a team, to make sure that each child’s educational experience is successful and rewarding, whether it is in a fully online, partially online, or traditional setting.

         The Antietam School District is proud to offer Edgenuity as our primary curriculum provider, whose outstanding educational programming aligned with Pennsylvania Core and Academic Standards. Throughout the duration of the year, students are able to participate in the co-curricular activities, school field trips, and upon earning the credits required for graduation, a student who attends Antietam Virtual Academy will earn an Antietam Diploma.

        If you are interested to have your son or daughter join the Antietam Virtual Academy for the first time, or return to AVA for another year,  please email our AVA Coordinator, Kyle Williams at : kwilliams@antietamsd.org.