          Our goal at Antietam School District is to provide learning opportunities for every child to reach his/her academic potential. With this in mind, we are implementing Response to Intervention in our elementary buildings. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-step approach which provides early academic support to struggling students.

          Our staff has received extensive training to design and implement RTI. A new schedule has been formed with a 30-40 minute intervention block in grade levels K-6. RTI depends on a strong, research based core class curriculum. Students will be placed in intervention groups that offer additional assistance and/or frequency based on their need. This may be reinforcement, enrichment or an extension of the reading curriculum. The students may be placed with their own teacher or go to another classroom for assistance. An important element of RTI is on-going assessment that will guide our teachers’ instruction. Using this information, the intervention groups will be flexible and change with the students needs.