•  Foster Care Information

     Consistent with Governor Wolf’s desire to improve coordination and efficiency in government, we want to outline requirements relating to the educational stability of children in foster care under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that took effect on December 10, 2016.  These include:

    • ESSA amended the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 to remove the term “awaiting foster care placement”, meaning students in foster care will no longer automatically be considered “homeless” as defined by McKinney-Vento unless they meet additional criteria as defined by the law for transportation costs to be covered by McKinney-Vento.


    • “Best interest determination” for school placement and school transportation arrangements will now be coordinated by the District Foster Care Liaison in conjunction with county children and youth agencies (CCYA) Services staff, and other relevant team members who support the child. Districts will consider all factors when making a best interest determination for students in foster care, including the appropriateness of the current educational setting and proximity of foster care placement.  Importantly, transportation costs should not be considered when determining a child’s best interest.  Districts and CCYAs will work together to develop clear policies, protocols, and procedures.


    • Transportation Plan – District will collaborate with CCYAs to make sure that clear transportation guidelines are in place during the duration of a child’s time in foster care.


    Ensuring the success of our students, including those in foster care, is a shared responsibility, one that is paramount to securing a bright future for our students.