- Antietam School District
- Our Team
Special Education
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- Equitable Participation Service Plan
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- Confidentiality of Special Education Student Information
- Our Team
- Antietam School District Comprehensive Planning – Special Education Plan
- Director of Pupil Services
- Ms. Becky Kohr
- Email: bkohr@antietamsd.org
- 610-779-0554 ext:4130
- Supervisor of Special Education
- Ms. Staci Fink
- Email: sfink@antietamsd.org
- 610-779-0554 ext:4130
- School Psychologist
- Ms. Kayla DuPree
- Email: kdupree@antietamsd.org
- Ms. Carrie Berger
- Email: cberger@antietamsd.org
- Administrative Assistant for Special Education Office
- Mrs. Tina Steckbeck
- Email: tsteckbeck@antietamsd.org
- 610-779-0554 ext:4130
- Stony Creek Elementary School– Special Education Teachers
- K-3 Supplemental Support : Morgan Collins - mcollins@antietamsd.org
- K-2 Itinerant Learning Support: Rebecca Lukose - rlukose@antietamsd.org
- 3rd Itinerant Learning Support: Shannon Sanders - ssanders@antietamsd.org
- K-3 Autistic Support/Life Skills Support: Jason Trullinger - jtrullinger@antietamsd.org
- K-3 Autistic Support/Life Skills Support: Madison Reinert - mreinert@antietamsd.org
- Kerry C. Hoffman Intermediate School – Special Education Teachers
- 4th Learning Support: Ms. Pashence Jarrett - pjarrett@antietamsd.org
- 5th Learning Support: Mrs. Aimee Fangman - afangman@antietamsd.org
- 6th & 7th Learning Support: Mrs. Nikki Levan-Miller - nmiller@antietamsd.org
- 6th & 8th Learning Support: Mrs. Noreen Cosgrove - ncosgrove@antietamsd.org
- 4th-8th Emotional Support : Mr. Phillip Klahold - pklahold@antietamsd.org
- 4th-8th Autistic Support/Life Skills Support: Ms. Anna Legg - alegg@antietamsd.org
- 4th-8th Supplemental Support: Ms. Riekeisha Muldrow - rmuldrow@antietamsd.org
- Kerry C. Hoffman Intermediate School – Special Education Teachers
- Antietam High School – Special Education Teachers
- 9th Learning Support: Ms. Mitizene Lindo-Blake - mlindo@antietamsd.org
- 10th Learning Support: Ms. Elizabeth Faust-Shucker - eshucker@antietamsd.org
- 11th Learning Support: Ms. Christina Richard - crichard@antietamsd.org
- 12th Learning Support: Ms. Marlene Barrett - mbarrett@antietamsd.org
- 9-12 Emotional Support : Mrs. Nancy Stump - nstump@antietamsd.org
- 9-12 Life Skills Support: Ms. Amanda Fritz - afritz@antietamsd.org
- Antietam High School – Special Education Teachers
- Related Service & Support Staff
- Speech Therapist K-3: Ms. Amy Rossetti – arossetti@antietamsd.org
- Speech Therapist 4-12: Mr. Stephen Lum - slum@antietamsd.org
- Occupational Therapist: Ms. Elizabeth Shepherd - eshepherd@antietamsd.org
- Physical Therapist: Ms. Maria D'Abbene - mdabbene@antietamsd.org
- Behavior Specialist SCES: Ms. Lindsey Seidel - lbrown@antietamsd.org
- Behavior Specialist KCHIS: Ms. Lissete Brito - lbrito@antietamsd.org