• What is Secondary Transition?

    Secondary transition is the process of preparing students for adult life, after the student exits school age services.  Students may be eligible for school-age services through age 21.  The transition planning process can be considered a bridge between school programs and adult life.  Transition planning for students with IEPs must occur during the year in which the student turns 14 and continue at a minimum yearly through the IEP process.  

    The transition planning process can encompass three areas to prepare students for:

    1. Higher education or training
    2. Employment
    3. Independent living 



    Planning for the Future Checklist

    The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has developed a “Planning for the Future Checklist” that can assist in this process.  The Checklist is of a general nature; it is not intended that all boxes are checked, as the path you take is individualized.  Students and families should discuss with their case manager any questions that may arise. 

    Transition Planning Checklist (English)

    Transition Planning Checklist (Spanish)