- Antietam School District
- Community
Community Resources
One of the determining factors of the success of the Antietam School District is the involvement and support of the surrounding community. The cooperation put forth by parents, friends, community leaders, and local business partners is what enhances the learning experience of every student in the district.
The Antietam School District is comprised of Lower Alsace Township (US Census Info), including Stony Creek Mills, and the Borough of Mt. Penn (US Census Info). These three suburbs of Reading cover a total of 5.3 square miles. Antietam has a population of 7,500.Emergency Local Government Lower Alsace Ambulance Assn. Lower Alsace Township Offices Mt. Penn Fire Company Office Mt. Penn Borough Offices Township SitesLegislatorsAthletics and recreation Antietam Valley Athletic Association AYBA Penn Alsace Football League SCAA Antietam Rec. & Comm. Center Mt. Penn Soccer Club