
    Community Service

    Community service is an Antietam School District requirement for graduation. The goal of this requirement is to provide students with an opportunity to become community-minded citizens and to expose them to the variety of volunteering opportunities available to them. Each student will be required to complete 30 hours of community service by the end of the first semester of their senior year; it is recommended that students complete hours of service each year as per the procedural checklist below. Students may seek community service opportunities based on individual interest.

    Benefits to Students:

    • Participation in a variety of meaningful experiences.

    • Opportunity to associate with adults and learn from them.

    • Discovery and development of possible career interests.

    • Identify experiences in which they have an interest and a willingness to serve on a volunteer basis.

    • Development of a closer rapport between the school and the community.

    Benefits to the Community:

    • Completion of needed projects for which the community may have inadequate funds or help.

    • Promotion of the importance of community service as part of the educational experience.

    • Creation of shared ownership of their programs with the school.

    Community Service Guidelines:

    • Community service hours must be completed outside of school hours.

    • Community Service hours may be organized with a non-profit agency that provides services for children, adults, senior citizens or the community.

    • Community Service hours may be satisfied through another service club or organization in which the student participates outside Antietam School District.

    • Community Service Hours may be satisfied through service clubs associated with the Antietam School District up to 15 of the 30 hours.

    • Community Service hours may be satisfied through the work with an individual as long as the individual is a client of an agency that can validate the student’s hours.

    • Community Service hours may not be satisfied through an activity that can be considered proselytizing or fundraising for any religious or political organization.

    Procedure Checklist:

    • Beginning with the class of 2019 and beyond, students are required to complete 30 hours by end of fall semester of senior year.  

    • Students may begin collecting service hours after promotion from 8th grade; our recommendation is to accrue 5 hours in 9th grade, 10 hours in 10th and 11th grades, and 5 hours in 12th grade.

    • Students are responsible for scheduling their service hours and contacting the organization or person responsible.

    • Students need to complete the project proposal portion of the Service Log sheet (pdf link below) and obtain approval prior to beginning their community service hours.

    • Students are responsible for transportation.

    • The log sheet must be completed and signed by person supervising service hours worked.

    • Students will write an overall reflection essay about the service hours completed.